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Vagabond Time Killers

2017 Summer Exhibition

May 20, 2017 to September 23, 2017
Every Friday, 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM Every Saturday, 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM Every Sunday, 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Kelli Rae Adams
Paul Anagnostopoulos
Tatiana Arocha
Minhee Bae
Justin Balmain
Natalie Baxter
Natalie Beall
Carrick Bell
Yael Ben-Simon
Theresa Bloise
Anthony Bowers
Jodie Cavalier
Madeleine Cutrona
Ghost of a Dream
Steffi Drewes
Meredith Drum
Yael Eban
Cole Lu Eleanor
Enrique Figueredo
Shannon Finnegan
Joel Wellington Fisher
Joel Foster
Ryan Frank
Matthew Gamber
Jeremy Gecker
Rachel Haberstroh and Ridhi Singla
Sabin Elias Hansen
Katie Hector
Jen Hitchings
Jee Hwang
Chloe Irla
Kirstin Lamb
Haley Lauw and Erik Pedersen
Mike Levine
Jessye McDowell
Alex McKenzie
Michael Menchaca
Natalia Nakazawa
John O’Donnell
Kiernan Pazdar
Tealia Ellis Ritter
Chrissy Scolaro
Jennifer Shepard
Tiffany Tate
Margeaux Walter
Jesse Walton
Lesley Wamsley
Ella Weber
Jing Yu

Curated by:

Opening Reception
Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 6:00 PM

Closing Reception
Saturday, Sept 23, 2017 at 6:00 PM

Guest jury:

When Jeff can’t sleep, he scours the web for Wassaic-related items, and last year he came across one of his best finds yet: an original photograph taken in Wassaic by a local photographer, featuring a group of young people holding banners reading “VTK.” Written on the back were the words “Vagabond Time Killers, 1901, Wassaic, NY.” This image shows a distinctively different time in this community, yet there is something vaguely familiar. Very little is known about this collection of individuals and why this image was taken, but there is a palpable level of creativity, irreverence, and excitement captured in the group. It should not come as a surprise that we relate to this odd group of strangers photographed in our community almost 120 years ago!

This exhibition features the work of 53 emerging artists, the majority of whom have come to us as artists-in-residence and have lived and worked here in Wassaic. The works included depict each artist’s relationship, perception, and interpretation of our current location in space and time, and how art and its context can transform people, places, and ideas.

Each of these artists and their work are part of Wassaic’s quirky history, and embody the spirit of the Vagabond Time Killers.

Works for sale ->


Kelli Rae Adams
Paul Anagnostopoulos
Tatiana Arocha
Minhee Bae
Justin Balmain
Natalie Baxter
Natalie Beall
Carrick Bell
Yael Ben-Simon
Theresa Bloise
Anthony Bowers
Jodie Cavalier
Madeleine Cutrona
Ghost of a Dream
Steffi Drewes
Meredith Drum
Yael Eban
Cole Lu Eleanor
Enrique Figueredo
Shannon Finnegan
Joel Wellington Fisher
Joel Foster
Ryan Frank
Matthew Gamber
Jeremy Gecker
Rachel Haberstroh and Ridhi Singla
Sabin Elias Hansen
Katie Hector
Jen Hitchings
Jee Hwang
Chloe Irla
Kirstin Lamb
Haley Lauw and Erik Pedersen
Mike Levine
Jessye McDowell
Alex McKenzie
Michael Menchaca
Natalia Nakazawa
John O’Donnell
Kiernan Pazdar
Tealia Ellis Ritter
Chrissy Scolaro
Jennifer Shepard
Tiffany Tate
Margeaux Walter
Jesse Walton
Lesley Wamsley
Ella Weber
Jing Yu


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About the Artists

About the Artist

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