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Family Residency


A man and a woman and their two children sit close together on a colorful rug, smiling at the camera.

Aisha Tandiwe Bell and family, December 2019

Our year-round family residency offers artists the chance to live in a private home in Wassaic while participating fully in our artist residency program.

We broadly define “family” as a group of more than one individual where there is an in-house, and dependent, caregiving relationship. We recognize that artists who have caregiving relationships, as providers or recipients, often opt-out of peer community building for practical reasons, and we aim to provide family accommodations which increase access to our residency program. Examples of caregiving may include, but are not limited to:

  • Parent/child (parent is caregiver)
  • Child/parent (child is caregiver)
  • Partner/partner (where one partner is a supportive caregiver of other and cohabitation is required for caregiving)
  • A recipient of caregiving.
  • A self-selection into this application for separate and additional housing space by identifying as a Family applicant.

Studios, House, Facilities

Summer residents work out of 200–300 square foot studios in the Luther Barn: a historic livestock barn (built in 1875) in the heart of town. They have 24-hour access to their studios, our print shop, our wood shop, and our ceramics studio.

Winter residents work out of ~100 square foot studios in the Old Hotel in Maxon Mills: a historic grain mill in the heart of town. They have 24-hour access to their studios and our ceramics studio. (Our print shop and wood shop are closed in the winter.)

Our family residents receive the entire HVA to themselves, which includes four bedrooms, one bathroom, a full kitchen, a dining room, a firepit, a tire swing, and a wraparound porch. It is located just down the street from Maxon Mills and right next to our summer studios in the Luther Barn.

Studios ->
The HVA ->
Facilities ->


Two to three times per month, creative professionals will visit to give short lectures on their work and make one-on-one studio visits with our residents. Our embedded critics, Adam and Lauren of Ghost of a Dream, lead monthly group studio visits, while Co-Director Eve Biddle, and Director of Artistic Programming Will Hutnick make one-on-one studio visits with residents. All residents are also invited to participate in a monthly evening of artist’s talks and presentations, and are encouraged to be available on the last Saturday of every month to participate in our Open Studios program.

Studio visits ->

Timeline + Review

Our family residency runs year-round. Our summer residency open call is generally held from late June to mid-September, and our winter residency open call is generally held from early March to early May.

Applicants are evaluated by a review panel composed of our Co-Directors, Director of Artistic Programming, and professionals in the field. Residents are selected based on the quality of their work, commitment to their practice, and ability to engage with the community at large.

Review panel ->

Cost + Aid

Sliding scale, from $0–900. It costs us $5,000 per person to host the residency. Most of this is covered by the generous support of donors and grants, but we recommend a contribution of $900 per month per person from artists who are able to contribute. We also offer 10+ fellowships per year, which include a no-fee residency plus an honorarium.

Fellowships and Fees ->

Family Residents

Plus icon.

Taha Clayton, June 2021

A man, a child, and a woman sitting and smiling on a colorful pile of mini shipping containers.

Sean Salstrom and Ayumi Ishii, August 2019

Monica Ramón Rios, July 2022

Jen White-Johnson, August 2022

Tatiana Arocha, September 2021

Delano Dunn and Anna Ogier-Bloomer, March 2018