2023 Upstate Art Weekend at the Wassaic Project
Wassaic Project
37 Furnace Bank Road
Wassaic, NY 12592
Saturday, July 22, 2023
12–7 PM
All ages
We're participating in Upstate Art Weekend again this year! We've got a full day of programming lined up all around Wassaic.
at Maxon Mills
12–7 PM: Gallery hours
12–5 PM: Art Nest hours
3–5 PM: Open studios with our July artists-in-residence
8–10 PM: Brandon Donahue-Shipp and Jessica Gatlin, Deep Breath: by Tithes and Offerings, 2023, Video projection
Outside on the Gridley Chapel lawn
2–5 PM: Autistic Joy Mini Zine Garden and Community Interactive Zine-Making Station. Come create a paper zine garden of autism acceptance, disability joy, and inclusion with disability art activist Jen White-Johnson!
at Gridley Chapel
12–7 PM: Repeating screening of residency alumni Adinah Dancyger's 2021 video MOVING
at the Luther Barn
3–5 PM: Open studios with our July artists-in-residence
5–6:30 PM: Artist talks with Beth Campbell, Adinah Dancyger, Danielle Klebes, Azadeh Nia, Marianna Peragallo, Daniel Shieh, and Jen White-Johnson
at The Lantern
7 PM onwards: Live music by Winter Family
If you’re planning your weekend, a full map of the more than 130 participants in the area is available here.
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2023 Upstate Art Weekend at the Wassaic Project
Wassaic Project
37 Furnace Bank Road
Wassaic, NY 12592
Saturday, July 22, 2023
12–7 PM
All ages
We're participating in Upstate Art Weekend again this year! We've got a full day of programming lined up all around Wassaic.
at Maxon Mills
12–7 PM: Gallery hours
12–5 PM: Art Nest hours
3–5 PM: Open studios with our July artists-in-residence
8–10 PM: Brandon Donahue-Shipp and Jessica Gatlin, Deep Breath: by Tithes and Offerings, 2023, Video projection
Outside on the Gridley Chapel lawn
2–5 PM: Autistic Joy Mini Zine Garden and Community Interactive Zine-Making Station. Come create a paper zine garden of autism acceptance, disability joy, and inclusion with disability art activist Jen White-Johnson!
at Gridley Chapel
12–7 PM: Repeating screening of residency alumni Adinah Dancyger's 2021 video MOVING
at the Luther Barn
3–5 PM: Open studios with our July artists-in-residence
5–6:30 PM: Artist talks with Beth Campbell, Adinah Dancyger, Danielle Klebes, Azadeh Nia, Marianna Peragallo, Daniel Shieh, and Jen White-Johnson
at The Lantern
7 PM onwards: Live music by Winter Family
If you’re planning your weekend, a full map of the more than 130 participants in the area is available here.
Sponsorship Levels
Our Sponsors
Janet and David Offensend
Molly Gochman and Michael Armilio
Debbie Cooper and Dan Sternberg
DG Foundation
Robert Wilder
Lucy Commoner and Dick Berry
Jack and Dolly Geary
Damian and Jeanne Gutierrez
Julia and Jeff Kivitz
Studio DB
Courtney and Timothy Quinlan
Jillian Dunham & Michael Welt
Karen and David Zukowski
After Party Partners
Betsy & David Goldin
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+ The After Party
Revolution is in the air. Lights dim, decorum fades, and chants of “La Beauté Es Dans La Rue” rise. Join us and the Capricorn Dream Sound Machine for a late-night dance party, included with every benefit ticket.