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"Somehow it still feels radical to be both an artist and a mother. My family is loud, we take up space, we have time constraints and schedules. We don’t fit with most art spaces, which is why I will forever sing the praises of the Wassaic Project for welcoming me as an artist with a family. I’m still practicing shaking off the stigmas.”

Jordan Buschur
2022 Family Resident

A man and a woman in a bright orange sweater sit smiling on a porch with their three children.
Jordan Buschur and family

"I want to share my sincere thanks for a wonderful, productive, and stimulating residency this summer! It was such a joy to spend two months at Wassaic. This residency stirred up so many new possibilities, ideas, and potentials. I'll be squeezing the juice out of this experience for many months to come.”

Lauren Ruth
2022 Summer Resident

A woman sitting smiling on top of a pile of Astroturf on a folding table in a white barn studio. A blue net with orange ties hangs above her head.
Lauren Ruth

"I had a great time. I would have stayed longer if it were feasible. Everyone from the staff to the residents were very supportive and was open to any idea that I brought to them. Wassaic Project is truly an open space that will find a way to see your vision come to light."

Ryan Davis
2022 Summer Resident

A smiling man in a jumpsuit sitting on a wooden chair in a well-lit art studio in Luther Barn. Behind him are some in-progress paintings.
Ryan Davis

[The residency] had a very positive and profound impact on me at a time when I really needed some intense studio/sanctuary time away from my usual routine/environment to shake up, regroup, and process some new ideas.

Michael Hambouz
2022 Summer Resident

A man smiles while standing hunched over an in-progress artwork in his studio.
Michael Hambouz

"My whole life has changed so much thanks to all of you. New friends, new shows, invitation to Italy, etc... I'm so totally grateful to everyone."

Rachel Collier
2021–2022 Winter Resident

A woman stands in front of a large, colorful art rug hung on the wall. A red rugmaking frame outlines the left side of the photo.
Rachel Collier

"Wassaic Project is a wonderful, community-minded residency with staff providing support that is above and beyond. As a family resident, the shorter 2-week residency allowed me a manageable amount of time away to solely focus on my practice. I was able to delve into the research and develop concepts around a new body of work, while also exploring the ample local flora to create inks and dyes to use in the studio."

Janet Wang
2022 Summer Family Resident

A woman in a light pinstripe shirt, shorts, and sandals stands in her studio in a white barn. Her arms are crossed and she is lightly smiling at the camera.
Janet Wang